CAS takes confidentiality and compliance with HIPAA extremely seriously. All CAS clients must sign
a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) agreeing to comply with HIPAA regulations in all respects,
including the implementation of all necessary safeguards to prevent such disclosure, as well as the
assurance that any subcontractors or agents to whom either party provided protected health
information agree to the same restrictions and conditions.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (commonly known as "HIPAA")
established national standards for electronic health care transactions in addition to strengthening
health care privacy laws. Per HHS.gov, "Individuals, organizations, and agencies that meet the
definition of a covered entity under HIPAA must comply with the Rules' requirements to protect the
privacy and security of health information and must provide individuals with certain rights with
respect to their health information. If a covered entity engages a business associate to help it
carry out its health care activities and functions, the covered entity must have a written business
associate contract or other arrangement with the business associate that establishes specifically
what the business associate has been engaged to do and requires the business associate to comply
with the Rules’ requirements to protect the privacy and security of protected health information."